this 2015 Dunham Fund $200,000 grant, North Central College will expand its Teach
First and Dunham
Scholars Program to
include a unique population of aspiring educators. To help address a constant
shortage of qualified bilingual teachers, administrators from East Aurora
School District 131 will work with North Central to recruit their most talented
bilingual paraprofessionals (i.e. classroom support staff) most of whom hold
bachelor’s degrees in areas outside education, and enroll them in NCC’s teacher
licensure program. NCC will offer a more affordable, part-time teacher
licensure program and will extend eligibility for the Dunham Fund Educational
Scholarship to these School District 131 paraprofessionals. If recruitment and
enrollment is successful, NCC would begin to work toward a cohort model in
which courses would be taught on-site in East Aurora.
North Central’s “Teach First” program began as a partnership with
East Aurora School District 131 to encourage East graduates, who would be
first-generation college students, to pursue the field of teaching with the
hope that they would return to their home school district as educators. Since
2011, the Dunham Fund has supported Teach First to launch other students in the
Aurora area into a successful teaching career, hopefully within the Dunham Fund
service area. From 2012 through 2015, the Fund has continued its support of Teach
First with an additional Dunham Scholars model and the expansion of the program
to recruitment in 21 area home and high schools and to students that are not